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CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FROM INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES: water resource managements with links to agriculture, climate change and food security

  • Data pubblicazione bando 12.06.2020
  • Termine presentazione domanda 16.07.2020

The Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, in view of the possible opening of one tenure track position at the level of Assistant Professor [‘Ricercatore di tipo B’ (RTDB) in the Italian system], seeks expressions of interest from researchers working on water resource managements with links to agriculture, climate change and food security.

The ideal candidate should have a solid background in hydrological research in the context of management of water resources, in particular for agricultural applications; and in one or more of the following topics: physical aspects of the land surface, including modelling of land-surface processes; sustainable agriculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation; water-soil-food-nexus challenge.

Interested individuals should send their expressions of interest to, including a cover letter motivating their interest in the call (1 page maximum), a CV (2 pages maximum) and a complete list of publications, research and teaching activities, and past and ongoing research projects.

All correspondence and expressions of interest will be kept strictly confidential, and inquiries received within July 16, 2020 will be given the highest priority.

In attach you can find the Call and the Privacy statement.

Disclaimer: this is not yet a job vacancy advertisement. Based on the expressions of interest, the Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies will determine whether or not to offer positions, their number and the type of selection procedure.